Data + GIS + Visualization


Hi—I’m Julia! I am Senior Director of Data, Design, & UX at American Forests, a national non-profit dedicated to urban Tree Equity and climate-smart large landscape restoration and reforestation. I nerd out about cartography, science, information design, and user experience. I believe in the power of storytelling to help us relate to and tackle climate change, social justice, and human impacts on ecosystems and biodiversity.



Toolkit: Esri ArcGIS, Flourish, Datawrapper, Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Premiere, Figma, Data Engineering, R, Python, Jupyter Notebooks, Scrollytelling, UX, Narrative Writing, Microcopy.

South Central Oregon Integrated Post-Fire Strategy

HTML/CSS/JS · Data Storytelling · Cartography · Data Viz · Narrative

The South Central Oregon Post-Fire Resilience Strategy is a first-of-its-kind, science-driven, cross-jurisdictional approach to restore resilient forests in Oregon's Klamath and Lake counties in the aftermath of six large fires that burned nearly 700,000 acres.

Investing in #Forests4Climate

Data Viz · Data Storytelling · HTML/CSS/JS · Narrative

When Congress passed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021 and the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, these groundbreaking bills invested an unprecedented $568 billion to tackle climate change. This visualization shows the allocation of funds across all forestry investments, and the carbon storage potential from these bills.


Cell Phone Data Provides Insight into Use of the Coastlines

Big Data · Python · Design · Cartography · User Interaction · Narrative

Analysis of anonymized cell phone data tracks visits to recreational public access on the Narragansett Bay coast. Check out my Esri-award-winning, interactive StoryMap to find out which places were visited most and how far folks traveled.


Landscape Maps Reveal Disparities in Environmental Benefits and Burdens

New Methodology · Analysis · Narrative · Design

Take an eye-opening journey through deeply embedded environmental justice issues in our region. In this StoryMap, I investigate the geographies of environmental hazards as well as amenities like clean water and green space.


Data Portal Website Makes Over 100 Datasets Accessible to the Public

Data Curation · Metadata · Database Architecture · User Interface

I built a customized platform for users to browse, preview, and download data. Every dataset is quality assured and packaged with high quality metadata.


Public Access to the Coast is Inequitable by Race and Ethnicity in Rhode Island

GIS Network Analysis · R · Multiple Regression · Publication

In the first statewide analysis of coastal public access and water quality, we found clear disparities in the travel distances and costs for Black and Latinx populations to access the coast compared to White populations.


Novel Methods Target Higher Risk Septic Systems to Improve the Health of Coastal Systems

New Methodology · Spatial Analysis · Visualization · User Interaction

I developed new prioritization methods to power an interactive map and address database. Users apply criteria such as septic age, surface water influence, flood risk, and zoning to target priority addresses for educational materials, maintenance coupons, and incentive programs.


Environmental Justice Planning Tool Helps Planners Better Target Impacted Communities

Data Methodology & Analysis · Visualization · User Interaction

This GIS map application delivers an environmental justice priority system using Census metrics to help planners prioritize impacted communities when they plan projects .


Bay Pollution is Down - How the Sea Floor Recovers Over a Span of 30 Years

Illustration & Maps · Narrative · User Interaction

In this StoryMap, I draw from University of Rhode Island’s technical findings on benthic habitat tracking to tour 30 years of recovery on the sea floor of Narragansett Bay.


Visualizing Flood Risk to Critical Assets in a Coastal Town

Data Curation · Visualization · User Interaction

I built an interactive map for the town of Warren, Rhode Island to evaluate the vulnerability of critical assets and different population sectors to sea level rise, storm flooding, and other environmental hazards.